So I'm building a life-sized battle damaged terminator with a 3.7v 240 mA spy cam in the human eye, and a red 1.8V LED in the exoskeleton exposed eye. When the camera is powered by a 3.7V 340 mA power supply, I want the LED to also be powered but want to make sure I don't overheat or under-power anything. I'm guessing at a parallel(?) circuit like the below:
Am I on the right path here or do I also need to up the power supply to account for the 1.8V LED? I understand I only need a 95 ohm resistor but all I have are 100, 220, 330+.
Update: So I found the actual LED Datasheet:
Does this mean the LED is actually 2 Vf and 20 mA?
This is my first project and only have worked on basic automotive electronics so my apologies for my ignorance in advance and thank you for taking the time!