I am using a PCB(A) factory where they have an online system where you can get a preview of your PCBA once you upload your files. As part of the process, I have to upload the Gerbers, the Bill of Materials (BOM) and the component placement list (or footprint position file, as it's called in KiCad).
The last one is generated through the PCB Layout editor from the File --> Fabrication Outputs --> Footprint Position (.pos) File
menu and contains the orientation of the components among other information.
The issue is that the orientation of most of the components is incorrect, according to the factory's preview system. Of course it doesn't matter that much for resistors and capacitors, but as you can imagine I have to manually rotate all the rest, everytime I place a new order or do a small change.
Am I doing something wrong or is there a convention for the KiCad footprints (e.g. pin 1 has to face at a certain corner always) that I am missing?