I'm using a chip that needs a 6MHz crystal on it. All of the regular 2 pin crystals are very large for this application, so I was looking into the smaller profile oscillators. This is the chip in question:
I'm familiar with hooking up 2-pin crystals where they connect to the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins and have external pF capacitors to ground, as well as the 4-pin ICs with 2 GND pins and the XTAL ones, but all of the 6MHz oscillators I'm looking at seem to be different. They are 4-pin devices with this setup:
1: Tri-state 2: Output 3: Ground 4: VDD
Those connections seem straightforward too, but my question is about the XTAL pins. Can I connect the oscillator output to XTAL1 and leave XTAL2 floating? Or do I need to pull it up or down, or can I even use one of these oscillators with 1 output and no input? One of the oscillators I was looking at was this one:
Thanks for any help!