I'm trying to calculate the switching loss of the MOSFET which is used for a DC-DC Boost converter. Input Voltage : 9V-16V
Output Voltage : 30V
Output Current : 0.3A.
Switching Freq : 455kHz
Based on this [App Note][1] the Switching loss formula is given on page 3, equation 4.
If I calculate the switching loss based on the above formula, it comes to around 14W.
In this Article, the formula for calculating the switching loss is different.
Which one is the correct formula and could you explain the reason for 2 different formulas?
[1]: https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slyt664/slyt664.pdf?ts=1617773788537&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F#:~:text=MOSFET%20switching%20losses%20are%20a,as%20shown%20by%20Equation%204.&text=where%20VIN%20%3D%20VDS%20(drain%2D,IG%20is%20the%20gate%20current