As you may be aware, modern vehicles go to reasonable lengths to detect whether the various globes (indicator, headlamps, etc) have failed.
I have a car designed for non-LED globes that sends pulses upon startup and periodically to the headlamps to measure resistance. These pulses are small enough that for a halogen bulb, it never lights up, but for the LEDs that I have installed, the effect is like a strobe for up to 10 seconds upon starting.
I'm familiar with "CANBUS cancellers" and the like, in fact I've tried out a few different ones, but they all seem to just be a resistor and heatsink which puts an appropriate load on the circuit, but the pulse of current is still visible.
I was thinking that an appropriately sized capacitor across each bulb would soak up enough current to prevent the bulb flashing on-off with each pulse, but I need to know how to measure the pulses to size the capacitor appropriately.
I was thinking I essentially need to measure the total amount of current sent through the whole sequence of pulses and keep the capacity as close as possible to that so that I'm not causing a significant delay when the headlights are actually turned on, is that correct? How do I measure "current over time" using a typical multimeter and convert that into a capacity?