I tried making the below schematic and plugging it in to the AC mains of my home.
I designed it in order to test if it would have any filtering effect on the noise coming from an cheap AC fan that I use which interferes with nearby devices.
As soon as I plugged it in to the mains, the safety breaker AC main's RCD activated. Why did this happen?
I think the RCD activated due to the "large" capacitance I used, as it took enough time and current to charge the capacitors, so the RCD detected this initial "short circuit" current and activated.
Capacitors are 630 V 1 uF LS = 22.5 mm R463N410040N2M
Resistor is 1 Mohm, 200 V rated. I double checked the resistance, and it did not blow/burn.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Next step would be to add a coil in series with the AC lines to reduce the initial current. But I would like to have a feedback on that one first.