I'm designing a control circuit meant to drive a proportional valve. I'm trying to simulate the driver and mosfet side of things in LTspice using the LT1160 half bridge driver and two readily available NMOS transistors. The problem I have is that while my setup seems to be working fine I'm noticing huge current spikes at the source of the high side MOS. At first I thought it might be because of shoot through but after checking the gate control signals they don't seem to overlap. Here are some pictures of my observation along with the circuit.
The green signal is the command signal which has a frequency of 1 kHz and the blue one is the current at the source of M1.
Thanks in advance, it's my first time posting here if i'm doing anything wrong please let me know :)
PS: I should add that this is only a testing circuit and that the actual solution will use a full bridge to allow reverse voltage driving the Pvalve for fast current decay.