So I'm trying to build a inverter circuit capable of driving most UPS transformers. Thus I'm building a full H-bridge inverter circuit with a 24V power supply being switched at a fundamental frequency of 50 kHz and SPWM generated from a PIC 24 at 15 kHz. My SPWM works as follows: For the first 500 Hz of the 15 kHz the PWM duty cycle stays the same at say 2 % for example and then from 500 Hz to 1000 Hz the duty cycle are increased to 10 %, from 1 to 1.5 kHz the duty increase to 21 % etc. This works for feeding the transformer so that it does not saturate (so no large currents drawn from this : 0.2 A with no load). Then I tried to add a low pass filter to remove the high frequency components at get a 50 Hz sinusoidal waveform of 50 Hz, which I got placing the filter directly after the inverter output, thus no transformer connected. The problem was adding a filter after my transformer caused the voltage to decrease as the current limit started to act. According to me this means that the inductor started to saturate causing the inverter to draw more power as the circuit on the HV side if the transformer started to have a smaller and smaller resistance (impedance).
What I'm unsure of is how this could have damaged my IR2184 MOSFET driver? I had a few of these drivers failing but don't know why. Only the high side output fails giving no output except maybe a bit of static noise, but the low side drive output still functions properly. According to me if the driver fails the one output would always be high and the other always low regardless of the input on pin 1? If anyone could maybe help that would be appreciated Below is my circuit diagram.