I have a problem figuring out why the smallest negative number we can represent in 3 bits, using Signed-2's-Complement is -4.
I understand that in S2C format, we can create numbers from 2x-1-1 (Highest Positive Number) to -2x-1 (Smallest Negative Number).
The problem is that in the S2C representation of -4 which is 100, the MSB is to indicate the sign which means that the magnitude of the number cannot be more than +3 if we tried to calculate the 2's complement in order to find the decimal value of 100 in S2C. For example, the S2C representation of -3 is 101. If we try to take the 2's complement to find the decimal value, the complemented number would be 011 the magnitude of which is 3 and since the original sign of the number we were given was 1, we know that it must have been -3.
The same logic does not apply to -4 or the smallest negative number in S2C form with any number of bits.
I appreciate any help.