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Questions tagged [binary]

Related to binary arithmetic and number system - Base-2 system which represents numeric values using two symbols 0(zero) and 1(one). Use `boolean` tag for logical operations related questions that does not involve binary arithmetic.

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-2 votes
1 answer

STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ascending and descending, VHDL code for mux [closed]

please stop downvoting i have to know the answer The aim is to make an 8-1 mux using (2) 4-1 mux and only one 2-1 mux using VHDL: ...
winstar345's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How does the parametric implementation of the double dabble algorithm work?

Shift and add 3 is a high quality algorithm for converting binary quantities into BCD quantities, very simple but very cleaver, here are the general steps (I am omitting the column arrange preamble): ...
Jacob Morales Gonzalez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Convert binary number in flip-flop for use with mux select lines?

If there is a binary number stored in a flip flop register, how can I convert this into a single positional bit in another flip flop register? For instance, if the number is 11b or decimal 3, I want ...
notaorb's user avatar
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Problem with two's complement fixed point arithmetic in hardware

I am trying to implement a basic spiking neural network on FPGA, and have came across a problem. The design uses fixed point binary addition and subtraction to sum input values. As weights can be ...
David777's user avatar
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I need to capture and store short bursts of synchronous binary bit-stream, arriving at 1.5meg bits/sec [closed]

The binary bit stream arrives on one pin on a circuit board and a synchronous clock arrives on another pin. I don't need to store the clock - it's just there in case I need to use it during the ...
Jeremy MacDonald's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Convert Altium PcbDoc file between binary and ASCII without Altium

As Altium PCB file format support, we can save PcbDoc as binary or ASCII. Is there any ...
NEET's user avatar
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2 answers

Combinational Circuit: How can 2.5 and 3.5 be represented in a 3-bit truth table?

Design of a combinational circuit with 3 inputs, x, y, z, and 3 outputs, A, B, C. When binary input is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the binary output is twice the input. When binary input is 4, 5, 6, or 7, binary ...
eutectic_codswallop's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Reduce component count for BCD input error detection

I made this circuit that reads the input of the DIP switches and detects if the input is an error or not a BCD value. The problem is I have 4 inputs for my circuit. The LED indicate if the input is ...
Noobielectrix's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding four numbers of 1 bit each and then cascading them

When I add four bits (NOT FOUR BIT ADDER, only four bits), the result can go to a maximum of 100 (4 in decimal, if all are ones). Now, here 0 (LSB) is the sum and 10 is carry. If I want to transfer ...
Shehryar Kashif's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Comparison of two numbers of different length

I want to design a circuit at block level using IC 7485 to compare one 6 bit number with another 5 bit number. My approach is: Put the most significant bits into the four 7485 comparator inputs. The ...
Arinjoy Pramanik's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to create a BCD to binary encoder that supports multi digit numbers using only logic gates [duplicate]

I've been thinking so long about how can I make a BCD to binary encoder that can encode BCD numbers like for example 11 or even 32767 into binary form (11 ---> 1011) but using only logic gates. I ...
Miskarl's user avatar
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0 answers

Struggling with the design for a simple logic circuit [closed]

I'm working on a circuit that would store 4 bits and flash them on an LED. These would be stored on a 4 bit register, and should be outputted when a button is pressed. My goals is to take my 4 outputs ...
BarryTheLad's user avatar
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1 answer

I distinctly remember 0 being the sign for on, or a closed circuit. Does anyone else recall learning it backwards? [closed]

Is it just my false memory or does anyone else remember learning that. The 1 if line represented open circuit for off. I was floored to find out it’s the opposite now. So just like the bearstained ...
Chris Daniels's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Determining the best CRC polynomial generator regardless the input data [closed]

I'm given a couple of 16-bit CRC generator polynomial: \begin{align} g(p) &= p^{16} + p^{12} + p^5 + 1 \\ g'(p) &= p^{16} + p^{10} + p^8 + p^7 + p^3 + 1 \end{align} And, without knowing the ...
Ketterle's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Confused about bits and bytes: How can 10 bits represent 1024 bytes?

If we have 10 bits, then we can access 2^10 = 1024 different addresses with it, but we say that with 10 bits, we can show 1 kilobytes which is 1024 bytes. I can't understand this. Isn't 1 byte equal ...
Emad Kheyroddin's user avatar
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2 answers

How many bits are required for a quotient in binary division?

I saw somewhere that if we have A (dividend) which is 2n-bits and B (divisor) which is n-bit, we can store the quotient in n-bits with a specific condition: the (n-1)th bit of the divisor has to be 1. ...
Emad Kheyroddin's user avatar
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0 answers

Building a circuit which adds 2 signed numbers

I am developing circuitry to add 2 numbers with sign.They have the form: $$b_{1}:(sign)|(absoluteval)$$ I realised that the calculation of the sign of the addition of such 2 binary numbers must be ...
Miss Mulan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to construct an integer based on the binary input of 8 to 32 GPIO pins

I'm researching a sensor for a project that has multiple methods of returning a value, one of them being a parallel output system that breaks down the value into 16 bit binary and transmits each bit ...
E.HP.S's user avatar
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Calculate Memory Address

I know this is a simple arithmetic question for many of you, but I can't figure out how to solve this problem. In a uController (this is an example, it doesn't matter which one) SRAM1 has ...
KaleM's user avatar
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How do we control a 7-segment display with a rotary switch to ground and 12v supply?

I am currently trying to add a 7 segment display to my motorbikes gear indicator. requirements dictated by the bike: there is a positional switch to ground for each gear. If you think it's like a ...
Ashley Reid's user avatar
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2 answers

Logic Circuit For A 2-Bit Multiplier Using Repeated Addition Algorithm [closed]

I am trying to build a logic schematic in Proteus for this problem: A 2-bit multiplicand and a 2-bit multiplier will be accepted and processed to solve the corresponding product. Since only 2 bits ...
Hammer hunts's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Error shifting a binary number in Verilog

I want to shift a binary number, for example 001011010 to 101101000 or 0000111001 to 1110010000. I wrote Verilog code but getting error. ...
Johonathan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

BCD values for binary fractions

I am writing Verilog code to display fraction numbers on the Basys3's seven segment display in decimal. To set the LEDs to display the appropriate digits, I need a way to convert this fraction to a ...
user22248761's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why isn't my counter reseting in VHDL?

For a project, I need to write a binary counter in VHDL that starts at zero, counts to nine, and then resets to start at 0 again. I wrote the file below, which seems like it should function correctly. ...
elvishpotato's user avatar
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How to determine Phase Angle of 16-QAM

I am trying to figure out how the angles for the following input are obtained. For example, why is 0100 -105 degrees and not 45 degrees? Is there a specific method or do we estimate what the angle ...
miu.spiro's user avatar
1 vote
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LIS2DE12 accelerometer sleep-to-wake, wake-to-sleep configurations

I am having a difficult time understanding some of accelerometer register entries, what exactly I need to write to them and what do they mean. To start with, I am trying to program LIS2DE12 ...
Dominykas's user avatar
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1 answer

First time schematic for USB-C power detection

Hey all I am creating a PCB that allows me to detect when I plug in a tablet, laptop, etc. to my home made tablet organizer. It's difficult to see if it made a connection in the back since you place ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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Problem sending MIDI message using Proteus Simulation Software

Im trying to send a MIDI message using Proteus Simulation Software. The idea is to send a NOTE ON, channel 1, C4 music note with velocity of 127. This three bytes are the following. (Note ON/channel 1 ...
Zlmanuel87's user avatar
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1 answer

Binary to BCD conversion besides double dabble

I'm looking for a logic circuit to convert 16-bit binary to 5-digit BCD, but one that is smaller / uses less gates than double dabble. Are there any other binary-to-BCD conversion circuits besides ...
Jason C's user avatar
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24VAC Binary Encoder / Decoder for Sprinkler System

I have a typical sprinkler system that runs on 24VAC. My sprinkler controller is in my garage and my sprinkler valves are across the yard with a cable running underground with 5 wires. One wire is the ...
Chet's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Problem with the smallest negative number using Signed-2's-Complement

I have a problem figuring out why the smallest negative number we can represent in 3 bits, using Signed-2's-Complement is -4. I understand that in S2C format, we can create numbers from 2x-1-1 (...
Ali A's user avatar
  • 11
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0 answers

Can a CD40110 start counting from 1?

I have a small assignment to made a century clock (which includes year, month, day, hour, minute, and second) without using a microcontroller. I decided to use a CD40110 to drive a common-cathode 7-...
Jay's user avatar
  • 1
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1 answer

Demonstration of Unsigned to Signed Binary Multiplication

I am trying to deepen my knowledge about multiplication with signed binary numbers (in two's complement) and as I was following along a video about the multiplication of 4-bit signed binary numbers, I ...
Filipe Almeida's user avatar
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1 answer

Does electricity linger in small electronics?

I'm designing a very tiny 8 bit CPU as a concept first in CircuitVerse. I designed components to eventually design this 4 bit 0-15 binary counter. Only thing I found weird is when the ALU is enabled, ...
Rayyan Khan's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there different versions of 4060 counter IC available?

I was searching for datasheet of 4060 IC (my part number is HEF4060BT, made by NXP) and found different versions with different stages. Is this just a vast typo in labeling pins in datasheets or some ...
Bikay's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Why is a register initialised through bitwise operations instead of a binary string?

I'm learning microcontrollers, and have picked AVRs to start with. In many AVR tutorials I find the registers are initialised by performing some bitwise operations on the assignment, for example ...
Somanna's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Transmitting binary data from scratch via radio (wireless)

What is the basic concept of transmit binary data wirelessly or from radio? Here are so far my knowledge about it. Any digital data (image, sound, video) is represented by binary digit (bit). Binary ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
-1 votes
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5-digit binary code lock

I am trying to design a two-button, 5-digit binary code entry lock. For simplicity, I have designed below a 4-digit lock, without a reset. I wanted the LED to turn off once the pin "1101" ...
Johnny depp's user avatar
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1 answer

Digital signals - multiplication of Bits ( number of bits ) - How to do it? ( binary bits ) [closed]

Let us say I have a number with p bits: x = [___...___] >> p Bits. and I want to multiply it by another p bits. will I receive: ...
Ben Shaines's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use CDC_TRANSMIT_FS() correctly?

I am trying to develop a sensor driver on the STM32F401CCU6. I have already worked out the sensor data acquisition on the STM. The problem I am facing is getting that over USB to my host system. ...
Harit's user avatar
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What is the size of the variables declared as macros in C Programming?

I am currently trying to receive and process serial data from an STM32F401CCU6. I am receiving binary data from the STM over USB and I would like to re-assemble the raw data into what was originally ...
Harit's user avatar
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How do I stabilize the pulse widths of the 4029 Binary Counter?

I am working with a CD4029BE on a breadboard. The connections are as follows: VDD to +12VDC VSS to ground The clock input receives a 3Hz 0 to +12V clock pulse J1-J4 are shorted together, and then ...
Thomas Wilk's user avatar
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Manchester encoding where the initial state is low

Is this correct? I thought in Manchester encoding the 0's had to be high-low transition, even if the initial state is assumed to be low and 1's low-high.
MALLU's user avatar
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Delay of ripple carry adder

I denote delay timing as "@ value". As you can see the picture above, C_in0(carry in 0), A0(input A's 0th bit), and B0 are initially ready so there is no delay which means they all have @0 ...
Seung Hwan Kim's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can I combine 4 separate bits into one 4 bit output?

Say I hypothetically have four switches 0-3. I want each switch to represent a bit in a four bit long number, switch 0 being the first bit and switch 3 being the last. The end goal is to be able to ...
Bob Jones's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is there a cutoff on these accelerometer measurement values? - ADXL375

I'm using a Teensy 3.2 to read data from an ADXL375 using SPI. In general the communication is going just fine and I can activate settings etc. However, when I try to read X, Y or Z data it seems like ...
daniel's user avatar
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I know how to do it with K Maps but how to solve it without using them

Let X=X1X0 and Y=Y1Y0 be unsigned 2-bit numbers. The output function F = 1 if X is equal to or less than Y and F = 0 otherwise. Find the minimized expression for F?
wes BOREland's user avatar
-1 votes
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UTD 2052 oscilloscope: read data from .sav file

I just recently got an oscilloscope and was happy to try it out. Now I have a problem with reading the data. The model I am using is the UTD2052 50 Mhz scope. I can save the data to a USB drive in the ...
SebNik's user avatar
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Boolean function of digital comparator

The boolean equation or function for a binary digital comparator is (A3&~B3)|| (x3&A2&~B2)|| (x3&x2&A1&~B1)|| (x3&x2&x1&A0&~B0). This equation is considered to ...
Ermac's user avatar
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Representation of 2 and 7 in 5211 binary code

In 5211 binary code 2 is represented as 0011 and 7 is represented as 1100. My question is why can't we represent 2 as 0100 and 7 as 1011 in 5211 code?
ecneics's user avatar
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