I would like to make my 300 MHz oscilloscope behave more like a 50 MHz oscilloscope. What sort of a BNC adapter or probe would let me do this?
Specifically, I am interested in modifying how different frequencies are attenuated. With my 300 MHz oscilloscope, a 300 MHz sinewave is 3 dB lower in amplitude than the actual wave. With this adapter or probe I would like to have a 50 MHz sinewave to be 3 dB lower. I want the bandwidth vs. frequency curve to remain similar to what you normally get with an oscilloscope rather than a "hard" filter of all frequencies above a certain value.
The exact 300 MHz and 50 MHz numbers are provided as examples for this question. I might end up targeting a different bandwidth than 50 MHz.
I think another way of wording this question would be: What sort BNC adapter or probe would let me reduce the rise time of my oscilloscope?