I assembled an 18650 Li-Ion capacity tester with an Arduino Pro Mini. Here is the schematic:
When I set the discharging current to 100 mA in the code (which means there has to be 100mV on pin 3 of the opamp and there is), I'm measuring 300mV on pin 2 of the opamp!?
This absolutely does not make sense to me, as the opamp should strive to equalize the inputs.
What am I doing wrong? Has anyone got an idea or experienced the same problem?
But it generally seems like the current value I set differs noticeably from the measured value.
E.g. when I set the discharging current to 500mA, I'm measuring like 600mA...
Anyone got an idea?
Edit: This is what the voltage on pin 1 of the opamp looks like. Referenced to GND.