I have the transfer function of this circuit, which is
I am being asked to find the differential equation that represents the relationship between input and output voltage. Since the transfer function H(s)=Vo(s)/Vi(s), I thought that I would be able to get this equation by taking the inverse laplace transform of H(s). But I can't figure out the answer, and when I put it into MATLAB I get this ridiculously long answer
full output: 5*symsum((exp(root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k)*t)*root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k))/(60*root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k) + 3*root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k)^2 + 200), k, 1, 3) + 75*symsum(exp(t*root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k))/(3*root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k)^2 + 60*root(z^3 + 30*z^2 + 200*z + 75, z, k) + 200), k, 1, 3)
Am I going about this incorrectly? Is the differential equation I'm looking for not the inverse laplace transform? Any help is appreciated, I am quite confused.