I an designing a digitally controlled 5 band analog equalizer. In order to change the gains of each band i am using a few AD8403. I have it hooked up to a stmf3discovery which controls the CLK,SDI,nCS,nRS pins on the ad8403. I have the circuit configure as shown below just without the second pot in for testing purpose. Also the supply voltage levels are from 0v to 5 volts the test circuit does not have a floating ground at -2.5v
The problem / problems that im having is when I hook up a multimeter across A to B on any of the terminals I get a very large resistance in order of mega ohms and these pots are suppose to be 10k max. So I tried applying a 5v to the A terminal then grounded both the b and the wiper terminals and tried measuring the voltage across A to W and got a full 5 volts.
So the main question is do digital potentiometer not have a directly readable resistance? Do you have to measure it via Vout / Iout ?