I'm trying to switch from reading my high-voltage unipolar square wave signal from a benchtop oscilloscope to a handheld multimeter, but I don't understand why my multimeter is giving the voltages it's giving.
My signal, according to the oscilloscope, is shown in the picture below as a 262 V peak, 500 Hz square wave (at least approximately), and the oscilloscope calculates that \$V_{RMS}\$ = 185 V. This matches my expectation, since for a unipolar square wave $$V_{RMS} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} V_{peak} = 185.26 V$$
When I sample the wire (equal to the yellow curve in the oscilloscope plot) with a multimeter, however, I measure 123.79 V using the DC voltage mode, and 120.04 V using the AC voltage mode (plus, the multimeter reports that the frequency is 0 Hz). Both are around half of the peak voltage, but I don't really understand how the sensing circuits (e.g., this Stack Overflow post) respond to a unipolar square wave signal so I'm hesitant on completely relying on this multimeter. I'm using a Kaiheets HT118E TRMS multimeter, for reference.
From my understanding, the TRMS designation means that the multimeter should report true RMS values for bipolar signals, but I'm unsure how to properly measure the voltage of a unipolar square wave using a multimeter. Any insight would be appreciated!