I'm not looking for a graphic or text LCD display here, just essentially a single, large pixel, capable of going from dark-light-dark in under 1ms. The faster, the better.
The idea is to create a secondary shutter for a still camera, increasing the flash sync speed of the camera. Here's a video of a similar idea, but on a CMOS video camera. Seems like they're using a pane from a pair of 3d shutter glasses, which operate at video speeds (60 or 120 hz, not fast enough.)
Something like the panel in an auto-darkening welding helmet would be along the lines of what I need, providing they can also transition from dark-light at high speeds.
What are these called? What can I search for (LCD panel obviously doesn't help)? Where might I be able to find one? (Aside from hacking apart a welding helmet.)