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Why is inductive coupling negligible at low frequencies?

I've been reading some papers from the early telephone era. I see a lot of statements thrown around like "crosstalk at low or voice frequencies, where inductive coupling is negligible..." ...
Rydberg's user avatar
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Simulating crosstalk and reflection waves using the same lumped RLCG circuit in LTspice

Is it possible to add line delay to an RLCG type circuit? Using this type of circuit, I'm able to simulate capacitive and inductive coupling, but no reflection waves. Using a SPICE tline, however, ...
Nailuj's user avatar
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Crosstalk between transmission lines

I was reading these slides about crosstalk between transmission lines. At page 6 there is this circuital model to describe the effect of mutual coupling between these two lines: My doubt is: why \$I_{...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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How do I Analyze Crosstalk in an Unbraided Multi-Cable?

Near-end crosstalk (NEXT) and far-end crosstalk (FEXT) are defined for twisted cable pairs [1], while both FFT and Baum-Liu-Tesche equations have been applied to analyze crosstalk in bidirectional ...
noumenal's user avatar
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Crosstalk Question

Could somebody explain me how could I predict the crosstalk between tracks.From what I know about this are two types of crosstalk: inductive and capacitive.Inductive from what I read is the worst.For ...
Stefan Merfu's user avatar