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Questions tagged [non-ideal]

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3 answers

Non-ideal active low pass filter for LV25P output

Hello everyone I need some help understanding the active low-pass filter below. I was told to use this circuit to filter the measurements of the output voltage of an inverter, but there is no ...
Larcron's user avatar
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4 answers

Techniques for Compensating Inductor SRF

Can anyone recommend a technique for compensating for inductor self-resonant frequency (SRF) in power inductors used in damped low pass filters? Example circuit below: How should I compensate for the ...
FooAnon's user avatar
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4 answers

What happens to parasitic capacitance and inductance in a superconductor?

Do the parasitics also become [more] ideal? Or are all changes solely due to the perfect conduction? If not, how are the parasitics affected? Such basic information seems necessary to engineer any ...
rdtsc's user avatar
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Modeling input bias current in op amp

I was trying to understand the non-ideality of op-amps, and specifically how the input bias current is modeled. The image was taken from a nice Youtube tutorial (Mateo Aboy - DC Offsets). The input ...
KMC's user avatar
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Non-ideal Non-inverting op amp

This is probably more of an algebra question. I do not understand where the "1"s come from in equation 1.10 given the much simpler voltage divider equation in the line just above it. And why ...
Edwin Fairchild's user avatar