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SOP and logic expression for a circuit

I'm having trouble doing the Sum-or-product of this truth table and then simplifying the logic expression. For the SOP i got Y= A’.B’.C’.D’+ A.B’.C’.D’+ A’.B.C’.D’+ A’.B’.C.D’+ A’.B’.C’.D+ A.B.C’.D’+ ...
Anarchy's user avatar
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What is meant by taking dual of a boolean expression?

I read online that if we have a set of SOP terms giving a boolean expression, then the POS terms of the complement of the SOP terms will give the same expression. POS(f)=SOP(f'). This is called ...
Raghav Arora's user avatar
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Simplification of boolean expression

I am asking you for a help with following boolean expression that i can't solve by myself. I can minimize expression in Karnaugh map but i have to use boolean algebra too. Expression: !(C + !D) * !(...
maro_vargovcik's user avatar