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3 votes
1 answer

Can someone explain USB ESD-protection on Nucleo 144?

On the STM32 Nucleo-144 eval board, there are 3 different ESD protection devices for the USB port: U19 = USBLC6-2SC6 U21 = ESDA7P60-1U1M U22 = ESDALC6V1-1U2 Source:
Oliver Richter's user avatar
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Can I use an unmodified ST Nucleo-F303RE to develop USB devices?

I want to use my Nucleo-F303RE to develop firmware for a USB HID. The stm32f303ve data sheet states in section 3.25 that for the USB peripheral to work, the MCU needs a HSE crystal oscillator. ...
Quaternion's user avatar
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Using a nucleo board as ST-link for STM32F722RET6 (Error: ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR))

we have disconnected the ST-link from the nucleoboard and prepared it correctly for its use. we connected it back to the nucleoboard, and everything worked like it should. We want to use this ST-link ...
Ole Halvor's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Possible to power STM32 Nucleo boards with USB battery pack?

I have a wireless-transmitter module connected to a Nucleo board. The sensor draws power (~200 mA) from the Nucleo board's 3.3V out pin. Case A (successful): When I connect/power the Nucleo board ...
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