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Zero-crossing refers to detecting the point at which a sine wave reaches the zero point of magnitude. In AC circuits it corresponds to the point at which no voltage is present so switching at that point reduces interference.

3 votes

Dimming light idea

This should turn the triac on and off with a duty cycle of 60% Triacs turn off when their main current falls below a threshold. In other words, you can turn on a triac from a control pin but, you ca …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
2 votes

Circuit that outputs signal A when AC sine is positive and signal B when AC sine is negative

Op-amp precision rectifiers are the likely turn-to solution. Here's an example circuit: - When the input is positive, the op-amp is prevented from creating an inverted (negative) output by D1 but, wh …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
3 votes

Why this ZCD not working?

When the input goes negative you are exceeding the input common-mode voltage range (as specified in the data sheet) and strange things will happen: - In other words, your input is going below 0 volts …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
3 votes

Does a signal that doesn't change polarity charge a capacitor?

Secretly I hope the capacitor does not effect the UART signal, because adding a circuit for zerocrossing adds (logically) more components to the PCB. Well, your secret is out now and be prepared for …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
0 votes

Zero current switching SMPS with common emitter or source

If you have an SMPS that stores energy in an inductor and then releases that energy (per cycle) to an output capacitor then you must "switch" when the inductor current is non-zero because if the curre …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
1 vote

Switching Relay at Zero_Cross Point

While randomly switching it without zero-cross my controller gets restart That's a susceptibility weakness of your controller. To avoid this I'm switching relays at the zero-cross point Sounds lik …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
1 vote

Zero crossing circuit

You have ground connections on both sides of the opto-isolator and this is significantly problematic for isolation reasons AND will cause half wave rectification of the signal and lead to your output …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
3 votes

Tachometer IC that does not require zero-crossings?

I realize this circuit requires a VR pickup sensor, and so the LM2907/LM2917 must rely on triggering off of zero-crossings. The data sheet tells you that a zero cross does not trigger anything: - Y …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
2 votes

Zero cross detector output

the timing characteristics are very far from the actual zero-crossing It looks pretty close to me - see the red lines I've added. In other words the middle of the peak of the yellow waveform …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
2 votes

Would I need a zero-crossing SSR for a reflow oven controller?

The design/guide is for using the oven AND a fan controlled from seperate zero-crossing SSRs. The oven is just a resistive heating element and could be controlled from a non-zero-crossing switch but i …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
4 votes

Why 2 zero-crossing detection circuits in heater?

What could be the reason for having those 2 separate circuits? The opto U1 produces a square wave output in phase with the incoming AC and is probably used as a zero crossing detector by the MCU. …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
2 votes

Zero Crossing Detection of ~ 400 kHz Signal with MCU

If you are dealing with an analogue signal and trying to convert it to a suitable square wave for frequency measuring you have to consider the effects of noise and implement some form of hysteresis so …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
1 vote

how to construct zero cross detecting circuit for line current?

To measure current, use a CT (current transformer) - this converts the current taken by a load or appliance into an isolated and manageable signal voltage that is proportional to load current but, bew …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
3 votes

Will a low-pass filter make zero-crossing detection less precise?

Will a low-pass filter make zero-crossing detection less precise? I assume you are comparing one signal against another and that all signals are processed using the same hardware. In other words, …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k
3 votes

ZCD with LM358 not working

The LM358 is powered from 5 volts and you are forcing an input signal from the bridge that is rectifying a 12 V AC voltage. This usually means the LM358 will never work again. The operational input r …
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k

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