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Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor, a type of field-effect transistor (FET). MOSFETs have an insulated gate, the voltage of which determines the conductivity of the device. This can be used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. (From: Wikipedia)

5 votes

Small signal models of MOS amplifiers

The true answer to your question unfortunately involves some bits of advanced calculus. Small signal models are derived from a first-order multi-variable Taylor expansion of the true non-linear equati …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
17 votes

What is "drive voltage" for a MOSFET?

Knowing at which voltage you can attain that RDS(on) is an important parameter because you can tell immediately, without looking at the curves in the datasheet, if your circuit could drive that MOSFET … But if that RDS(on) is attainable only at 10V, while you only have a 5V powered MCU with no other power rail, you know that that MOSFET is not suitable (or it will need additional circuitry to be driven …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
5 votes

Significance of \$V_{GS}-V_{th}\$ for MOSFETs

Well the explanation is not extremely meaningful without math and without being familiar with the physical structure of a MOSFET. … As you seem to know, \$V_{th}\$ is the threshold voltage: below that the MOSFET is only barely conducting (there is only a tiny current and the MOSFET is in the so-called subthreshold region). …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
0 votes

Help Identify N-MOSFET labeled “540N 3811g” for monitor repair

It seems it is this MOSFET: IRF540NS. …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
2 votes

2N7000 Mosfet destroyed during soldering?

What kind of soldering iron are you using? If you use a soldering iron powered directly from mains, instead of a proper soldering station, its tip will be connected, for safety reasons, to the earth …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
1 vote

Can a MOSFET conduct no current while in saturation mode?

Saturation doesn't depend solely on Vgs, but also on Id. In your situation V2 is so high that the channel of Q2 is formed (I assume enhancement mode devices), so source and drain of Q2 are connected b …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
4 votes

In depletion MOSFETs, what is the drain current value when \$V_{GS}\$ is zero?

The value of \$I_{DS}\$ when \$V_{GS}=0\$ is called \$I_{DSS}\$ on datasheets. Consider for example the following excerpt from Supertex DN3545 datasheet.
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
21 votes

1.5V-rated MOSFET doesn't react to a gate input of 1.8V

If you examine the datasheet carefully it states that the MOSFET has a threshold voltage which is guaranteed to be between 1.5V and 2.5V, with 1.8V typical. … To summarize: this MOSFET cannot be turned on with a mere 1.8V. At least you should provide enough Vgs to make it conduct in the worst case, i.e. Vgs(TH)=2.5V. …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
13 votes

Diode in MOSFET symbol

HEXFET is just the trade mark name of a power MOSFET by International Rectifier, so there is no difference between a power MOSFET and an HEXFET in the sense that an HEXFET is just a power MOSFET produced … Keep in mind that "power MOSFET" doesn't necessarily mean "high power". …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
3 votes

Dual rail reverse voltage protection

You need two polarity protection devices (two diodes, or two MOSFETs), because otherwise, if you invert the polarity, only one rail will be interrupted and the other rail (now reversed) could still da …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
6 votes

What can I do about using incorrect P-FET package?

Consider designing a little daughterboard on which you could put your PMOS. This will add a production step, but it can be somewhat automated, since the PMOS can be soldered during a normal run on the …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
9 votes

Input Characteristics of MOSFET in triode region?

Transfer characteristic: \$I_{D}\$ versus \$V_{GS}\$ at a given fixed \$V_{DS}\$ value (this latter is chosen so that the MOSFET is in saturation region). … the MOSFET as an amplifier and you need to draw a load line to design its bias circuit. …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
5 votes

Op-Amp + MOSFET = Constant Current Power Source (?)

Your power supply voltage is too low for the opamp to be able to drive that MOSFET. …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
0 votes

How to use N-channel MOSFET as high side switch (non-buck switching)

You say that because 10A of current is to be switched, N-channel is to be preferred. I don't see why. There are quite a few P-channel MOSFEts that can fulfill your requirements, as this search on Digi …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar
4 votes

MOSFET Biasing Problems

To be more specific, here is an excerpt from a datasheet of a jellybean enhancement MOSFET (2N7000G; emphasis mine): As you can see, Vth is specified with very loose tolerance, therefore you could expect …
LorenzoDonati4Ukraine-OnStrike's user avatar

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