I have a complex number s of the form s=[1/sqrt(NN\$_{t})] e^{j\phi_{k}}\$ S\$_{o}\$ is another complex number. It is given that |s-s\$ _{o}\$|<= \$\epsilon\$ where 0< \$\epsilon\$< 2
It is stated in the literature that this constrain can be written as $$ \phi_{k}=\arg s \in\left[\gamma , \gamma + \delta \right] $$ where \$ \gamma \$ and \$ \delta \$ are given by \$ \gamma \$ =arg S\$ _{o} \$ - arccos(1- \$\epsilon ^2/2)\$ and \$\delta \$ =2arccos(1- \$ \epsilon^2/2)\$ Can anyone explain how is that possible?