I have a microwave oven transformer. The cap that is with it is rated for 2100 volts so I assume the transformer has an output close to that. I know the diode and cap make a voltage doubler which should boost that to around 4200 volts.
I have 4 1300 volt 5 uf film caps in series which gives a voltage of 5200. I have charged these caps with a low powered hv power supply without problems. Output of the HV supply was well over 5200 volts. As long as I did not leave it on too long the caps were fine. I did burn up a few from too much voltage. I knew it might happen when I was pushing it.
The MOT will only charge the cap bank up to the output voltage so without the doubler I can charge to 2100 or 4200 with the doubler correct? I know the diode has to be used to create DC pulse current to charge.
Since the MOT does not have a current limiting feature, will this harm the cap bank? I believe caps act as direct shorts at first and then build resistance until they no longer take on a charge.