I'm working on a project where we use the nRF51 Bluetooth low energy chip, and our first prototype boards just arrived.
So I've made some power measurements trying to calculate the battery life:
When idle: 3,1uA
When bluetooth connected: 4,5mA
The bluetooth won't be connected that often, so this I can actually live with the resulting battery life for the prototype (gives me around 17-18 weeks battery life).
We're using a Panasonic CR1216 battery:
And just now I realised that the battery voltage takes a good drop when the bluetooth is connected for a longer time. The max connected time is 10sec and there I got:
Start: 2,99V drops exponentially to 2,7V over 10sec.
When the bluetooth disconnects it slowly climbs towards 2,99V again. I've waited 10min now and it is around 2,96V.
In the battery datasheet I can't find anything about max discharge current? But clearly the 4,5mA is too much? What will happen to the battery's 25mAh? (I know that it is hard to give a specific number, I'm just interested in knowing if my battery will die within 2 days instead of my 17weeks).
EDIT :---- I've found the similar battery that says max cont. discharge current = 1mA