This is a combined mechanical/electrical question. It is mainly about getting the I²C connection reliable; this question does not concern itself with the software side (i.e., how to handle an I²C fault on the microcontroller).
I have an Arduino (Pro Micro) and an I²C slave device (an MPU 6050 sensor). The Arduino is already there (happily doing other stuff, connected to a PC via USB) and around 1 m away from where the slave will be placed. The slave is the usual small board similar to It provides some capacitors and 10k I²C pull-up resistors.
So far, so good. In the good old "get'er done" spirit, I have hacked everything together with some RJ45 connectors and a 1 m Cat 5 cable I had lying around (carrying VCC, GND, INT, I²C). It kind of works, until it does not. The I²C communication breaks down regularly (after a few hundred or sometimes thousand transactions).
I admit that I still have to figure out who exactly the culprit is; i.e., I will connect the slave directly to the PCB and see if it still happens (that would rule out the cable connection). The software side is probably fine; said problem happens with several different firmware, even the most trivial ones. I have played around with the pull-up resistors (i.e., with/without the additional Arduino pull-up resistors; and with extra external 4.7 Ω resistors), and that did not change anything. The environment is not particularly noisy, I think. I unfortunately have no equipment to measure what goes on on the lines.
Meanwhile: Can you suggest a practical and reliable way to do such a connection? What I thought about:
- The "easiest" one would be to get a second Arduino, place it right next to the slave, connect it with USB directly to the PC; that would eliminate the whole problem, but I would really prefer not to do that if I can avoid it.
- Try to split the SCL/SCA lines into differential pairs; I don't see how that would work with the I²C open-drain protocol though. I don't want to stick with I²C necessarily; there is no need to fix that if there is an easier alternative.
- P82B715PN line buffers
- Something like CAN or RS-485 would likely force me to add at least two more chips, or even more per side (for protocol conversion and drivers).
Is there a practical (for a hobbyist), simple, go-to solution for this kind of problem (which seems to crop up once in a while...)? I'm really open to anything here.
I checked my cables... I previously had (INT+nothing), (SCL+nothing), (SDA+nothing), and (VCC+GND). I have added the GND to all pairs, so it's now (INT+GND), (SCL+GND), (SDA+GND), and (VCC+GND) as per @FiddyOhm 's answer. Unfortunately, no change whatsoever :( That wasn't it.