I tried searching and couldn't find how to determine how to decide which bridge rectifier to use in a circuit (assuming you know load). is the only consideration that the rating exceed to voltage and current of the circuit or could it pose a problem if that rating were too high.
Specifically I am creating a set of power indicator LEDs for use with a prototype electronics test bed. I have three inputs that could be any combination of V+, and V-. I want to use 2 bridge rectifiers to correct the polarity to go through an LED and indicate power on either input 1&2, 2&3, or 1&3. My max voltage will be 15Vdc and my max current will be 20mA.
If I choose a rectifier with a high voltage and current rating will I end up dropping too much voltage across the series diodes to show a visible glow in the LED?
I have provided my circuit diagram cause it's a bit more clear.