I was promised a current gain of roughly a thousand. We had an experiment involving this circuit to measure the input base current and output emitter current:
(That base resistor is a 50k ohm potentiometer.)
However we just kept getting a beta of 1.84. Very disappointing, no matter how we adjusted the potentiometer.
I tried measuring the beta current directly (instead of measuring the resistor base voltage and figuring it out from there) and found the beta to be 33.23. Unimpressive.
I understand the BJT has its own internal resistance that might have affected my readings. However, if that's the case, how can I be sure that it can deliver what it advertises, if it can't boost emitter current to a thousand times the base current?
I also would want to mention that it had a base emitter voltage of roughly 0.5V instead of something close to 1.4V. Is it possible that we used a defective BJT?
I also would want to mention that it had a base emitter voltage of roughly 0.5v instead of something close to 1.4v.
Assuming you perform the measurements in quiescent state (i.e. input shorted to GND), it looks like one of the transistors has gone short. \$\endgroup\$