I want to calculate the maximum amplification that I can get out of my transimpedance amplifier and I'm struggling a little bit with how to do determine this value.
Is the amplification simply the value of the feedback resistor? Because that is what they are doing in this Texas Instruments tutorial: Transimpedance Amplifiers - What Op Amp Bandwidth do I Need? In the design example beginning at page 4 they choose a 1 Meg resistor and say that the amplifier has a gain of 1 Meg and a I/V bandwidth of more than 100 kHz. But when I check the datasheat of the used OPA316 on page 11 the Open Loop gain at 100 kHz is only 40 dB - and if I am not mistaken we would need 120 dB for an amplification of 1 Million.
Is my assumption wrong? Do I mix up something here? Can the I/V amplification be higher than the Open Loop Gain?