Measuring this one resistor
The photo shows that you are not measuring a resistor - it looks like a diode (as commented by glen_geek). The photo shows the grey band (cathode) end connected to the red lead from the DMM.
Trying to measure a diode on different resistance ranges explains the different readings (due to the different test currents used) and explains why the meter shows "OL" when the leads are swapped.
Also, just to be clear, you must not have power source (e.g. the 1.5V battery you mentioned that you had removed temporarily) in the circuit when performing anything other than a current or voltage measurement (so not when performing resistance test, or diode test, or capacitance test (on suitable meters) etc.).
Use the diode test on the meter to test the diode, if that is what you want to do.
(Posting from mobile - please excuse any typos etc.)