If you couldn't guess, I'm new to electronics.
So, I've just received my 3V air pump, it didn't come with any specs, so I'm trying to figure everything out. I hooked it up to a DC variable power supply (at 3V) and a multimeter.
I switched the multimeter to 10A non-fused and placed the lead there as well, pinned a wire from the power supply ground to the pump, and used the multimeter as the bridge between the positive terminal of the supply and the other side of the pump.
I got a reading of 0.17 under normal conditions and 0.21 under full load.
Now, here's the question, 0.17-0.21, is that amps? Does that mean I am pulling 170-210 milliamps? When I toss these numbers into Ohm's law, I get 17.64706 Ohms resistance. Does this seem reasonable?
Since I'm just learning this, I just want to make sure this is all correct. If I am wrong, I would love to understand more!