I am trying implement the following idea in Verilog. I tried giving variable range and got an error that error must be bounded by constant values.
There is an 8-bit register which gets updated on every clock cycle. I am required to incrementally take values from this register i.e.
in the first iteration,
] in the second iteration,
in the third iteration
and so on. The output from this register along with a decreasing number of zeros are given to a 12 bit register i.e
in the first iteration,
in the second iteration,
{reg[2:0], 9'b000000000}
in the third iteration.
How do I generalize this ?
My original code:
module FGen (Clk, Reset, F, Aplusone, sjplusone);
input logic Clk;
input logic Reset;
input logic [1:0] sjplusone;
output logic [11:0] F;
output logic [7:0] Aplusone;
logic [7:0] K, A, B, Bplusone;
logic [7:0] Z;
logic Kout;
int count = 0;
assign A = 8'b00000000;
assign B = 8'b00000000;
assign Z = 8'b00000000;
shiftreg #(8) shr (Clk, Reset, Load, 1'b1, 8'b11111111, K, Kout);
mux2 #(8) m1 ({A[6:0], Kout}, {B[6:0], ~Kout}, sjplusone[1], Aplusone);
mux2 #(8) m2 ({B[6:0], Kout}, {A[6:0], ~Kout}, ~sjplusone[1], Bplusone);
mux2 #(12) Fmux ({2'b11, ~Aplusone[count:0],Z[8-count:0]}, {2'b00, Bplusone[count:0] - 1'b1,Z[8-count:0]}, sjplusone[1], F);
assign count = count + 1;