I am somewhat new to electronics and am trying to get the output of an LM350T_NOPB voltage regulator to have less than 50mV line noise at all loads <= 3A. Please refer to the schematic, oscilloscope screen shot, and datasheet link below for the following discussion.
The problem is there is a 4.1MHz oscillation on the output of the LM350T ranging in excess of 600mVpp that starts at just a few mA output. I can reduce the amplitude of this oscillation to about 80-210mVpp (depending on load) with a 22uF capacitor from output to ground.
I do not understand the origins of this oscillation. I would also like to reduce it to <=50mVpp or even eliminate it altogether.
On page 6 of the data sheet, under "External Capacitors", they mention "like any feedback circuit, certain values of external capacitance can cause excessive ringing" and that a capacitor placed from output to ground can "swamp" the effect. They recommend a 25uF electrolytic capacitor.
Is this feedback circuit ringing that I am observing?
I am also having trouble determining which specification applies to this oscillation in terms of output voltage tolerance.
I have found a specification on page 3 of the datasheet entitled "RMS Output Noise, % of Vout" which lists a specification of "0.001% of Vout" for "10Hz-10KHz" but am unsure if this applies to this oscillation because the frequency and amplitude this troublesome oscillation are far higher than that listed in the specification.
I would very much appreciate any help in understanding this issue and any suggestions on how I may reduce further or eliminate this oscillation.
Screen shot: