I have a schematic where I'm using an LM741 op-amp as a voltage comparator when its Vout is HIGH/+Vcc it "allows it to operate the 555 timer" and therefore activates the buzzer, and vice versa when the Vout of the op-amp is LOW/-Vcc.
This is all I know base on how in general my circuit works (I tested it on a breadboard and it works). note that, I got this schematic on the internet that's why I don't know much
But I want an in-depth understanding of how does this "turn on" the 555. Can you provide an explanation as well as some equations to help me understand and in the process can you answer these?
- What do the 33k resistor and 100k Pot do here exactly? (I know that the Potentiometer 2 varies the frequency of the buzzer and if I attach a fan it varies the speed of the fan)
- Why is the Vout of the op-amp connected to the RST pin of the 555? (what does the rst pin do exactly?)
- Maybe a bit explanation on trggr and thrshld pin contributions?