Recently, the circuit breaker was triggered when I activated the electricity in a cable buried in my garden. Probably water entered into a junction or I nicked the line by accident...
The line is not very deep, sometimes only 20 cm. But I don't want to dig all the line to find the fault. It would be a lot of digging. And in some areas, the line goes under concrete.
I measured the resistance. Between the primary wire and ground wire, I have 5 kΩ - which I know is very very low (should be infinite) but still not enough to create a shortcut. Between the primary and null wire, I have 20 kΩ (without touching the ohmmeter's alligators :) ). The resistance increases with 0.1 Ω per second.
How do I detect where the short circuit is? I was thinking about measuring the resistance between the primary wire and different points in the ground, along the possible path of the cable.
Naturally, the power is not connected anymore to that line now :)
I got one of those devices that inject a radio signal into the wire and then use a detector to find where the wire is buried. If I inject the signal into the Neutral wire, I can track it through my garden. But if I inject it into the Phase wire, I cannot track the cable.
Now that the warmer weather is coming, I have done some extra measurements and I narrowed down the problem a bit more. It doesn't seem to be the cable, but the junction box where the wires are split (Y splitter) into 2 directions. I will have more measurements soon.