I'm designing a low-pass filter with a passband up to 1 MHz and a stopband starting at 1.8 MHz. I've designed a 4-stage filter using Sallen-Key topology and built it using NE5532P op-amps, supplied with 5V and GND.
Here are the first two stages of my filter:
And here are the last two stages:
Note: The schematics show OPA350s because I plan to use them in the PCB, but I'm currently testing with NE5532P on breadboards.
The problem arises in the last stage: the output is distorted. After eliminating other possible issues, I believe the problem is related to the 2.79nF capacitor. If I replace this capacitor with a 10pF one, the last stage starts working, but the filter no longer meets my requirements. I've read that op-amps have limited capacitive load capabilities. Is the 2.79nF capacitor acting as a problematic load for the op-amp? I've found suggestions about adding a resistor in series or using Multiple Feedback topology instead of Sallen-Key for the last stage. My questions are:
What's causing this problem, and how can I solve it while maintaining the required filter characteristics? Will I face the same issue with the OPA350 op-amp?
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!