I've recently bought an Olimx ARM-USB-OCD JTAG programmer but I've had difficulty getting it to work.
My primary system is linux, but I've tested it in window with no luck there either. I'm using OpenOCD to communicate with the device, but it does not detect the ftdi chip on the programmer.
I suspect the hardware is dodgy, for two reasons. The programmer has the ability to power a board at 5V,9V or 12V, but when I measure the output voltage it is only at 0.7~1V (when connected to USB, tested on 3 different computers and one usb hub); additionally, when conncted to linux, the ftdi chip is detected, but it connects and disconnect quickly leaving a number of errors in syslog.
My questions are (and I'm most interested in anyone who has the same programmer): is the hardware broken? If not, what am I likely to be doing wrong?