
I am trying to model a transformer of 1:100 ration in Ltspice, here is the picture of it enter image description here

The above circuit is stepping up the input voltage by 100 times but I see something strange which is when I am providing SINE 1V input with series resistance of 0.1ohm and freq of 1MEG then I am observing the following 1mV at input enter image description here

and output voltage as 100mV which makes sense when the input voltage is 1mV enter image description here

My question is why is the input voltage 1mV when I am providing 1V at the input? Can anyone please answer this question.


1 Answer 1


Your circuit shows a 1 ohm load on the output. This load is also seen at the input but 10,000 times smaller. So when you couple the ac source to the primary via a resistor of 0.1 ohm, there is a vast input voltage reduction on the primary due to the resistive potential divider action.

Think about this another way maybe. With 100V on the output, the power delivered to the 1 ohm load is \$\frac{V^2}{R}\$ = 10 kW. This power has to be supplied by the input voltage of 1V. To supply this power from a 1V source means a current of 10,000 amps into the transformer primary and the most current you can supply when a 0.1 ohm resistor is placed in series with the 1V source is 10A.

This means your primary voltage MUST reduce by a 1000:1.


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