I am trying to lower the voltage from a 9V battery to 5V for use on an Arduino pin. I bought a 5.1V zener diode from RadioShack. Will this do what I want? Do I have to lower the amps as well? It looks like the battery delivers 9V and 1A. Should I first use a resistor to lower the amps, then use the zener diode to lower the voltage? I tried using a 330 ohm resister directly with the battery and a multimeter just to see how much it lowered the amps, and it got very hot so I am not sure if I should be using it.
Zener Diode:
Voltage: 5.1V
Current: 49mA
Maximum power dissipation: 1.0W
I looked at some example equations here: http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/diode/diode_7.html but am still not comprehending it. I am not even sure which side the black band on the diode should point. So my question is: Will the diode work to drop from 9V to 5V and do I need to do anything extra?
I wanted to use this: http://www.amazon.com/Voltage-Sensor-Detector-Divider-Arduino/dp/B00S4PCCG8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424025730&sr=8-1&keywords=voltage+divider+arduino, but don't want to wait so thought I would try something else until I can get this ordered.