I got a problem with how to calculate the current going through R and L in this circuit.
I have calculated the following.
Xc= 79.6Ω at -90°
Xl = 251.3Ω at 90°
ZRL = 128.8Ω at 30.8° (R||L)
ZT = 111.48Ω at -7.03°
Vc = 10.8V at - 83°
Vr = 17.33V at 37.83°
Total current(IT): 0.135 A at 7.03°
everything above this point ive checked in my answer key and they seem to be correct. Now to where im not correct, the current IR and IL.
I use IR = ((XL/(R+XL) * IT) = 0.084A at 97.03° IL = ((R/(XL+R) * IT) = 0.05A at 7.03°
Where am i going wrong? IL and IR are supposed to be IR = 0.115A and IL = 0.069A