My problem is the following, I would like to localize an object (main node) via multilateration using a wireless sensor network of 4 nodes with less than half a meter accuracy. The equations are already worked out and what is left is to obtain distance measurements from the network nodes to the main node using TOA method (this is what I am working on right now). My hardware specifications are the as follows:
- 5 NRF24L01+ transceivers (2.4GHz, 2Mbps, GFSK, 16MHz inner clock)
- 4 ATTiny85 uC (for the wireless sensor network) (8MHz clock)
- PIC16f877A (main node) (16MHz clock)
Specifically, what I want to know is: can I measure the time of arrival of a signal (in less than a meter), with this hardware? If not, point some way out for me, either acquire new hardware (not too expensive) or change the method implemented.
PD: If possible look at the basic idea I have in mind before answering (and give me feedback on it): Narrowing down the problem time of flight between two nodes only (N1 and N2), the total time for a bit of data to go from N1 to N2 and back is: $$t = 2(t_b + t_c) = 2\left ( \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{c}\times d \right ),$$ where \$t\$ corresponds to bit transfer rate (\$R\$ = 2Mbps for NRF24L01+), or the time the transceiver takes to send that one bit to the channel; \$t_c\$ is the time in the channel that is approximately, the length of the channel over the speed of light.
The NRF24L01+ can send up to 32 bits in one go, this implies: $$t = 64(t_b + t_c) = 2\left ( \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{c}\times d \right ).$$ However, for \$d=0.5\$ (as I want) this yields \$t_c = 0.106\mu s \$, with a 8MHz MCU this time is invisible (1/8MHz = 0.125\$\mu s\$). A posibility is to resend the message to increase \$t_c\$ to a visible value. Is the previous reasoning accurate?