I am using IXYH16N170CV1 IGBT's mounted at the edge of a PCB. The legs will be long and bent back to reach the heatsink shown in the image.
This device is rated for 1700 V and 16 A. My nominal voltage will be about 600 VDC and 11 A with a max of 1400 V.
The pitch spacing between the pins is 5.45 mm and the distance from the edge of the pins is about 4 mm at the narrow part and 3 mm at the thicker bit closer to the body of the device.
The distance between the 2 copper pours on Q1 is 2.5 mm. According to the distance calculator (image below) for 1400 V this is not enough.
Can these devices be connected to PCBs at this pitch and voltage rating?
Also, is there any implications for having the legs very long? Are arcs more likely?