
My PWM control is having issue,I don't know why...

So I'll briefly describe my PWM specs;

a 4-bit Input named value,

Input clock 50MHz,

a single bit output PWM_out,

Duty cycle is equal to 1/16 of input clock and

it changes when the value input is changed.

like, Value = 0000, Duty Cycle=0%

Value = 0001,Duty Cycle=6.25%

Value = 0010,Duty Cycle=12.5%

Value = 0010,Duty Cycle=18.75%

.... etc

when value changed,duty cycle should be increased by 6.25%

Here is my code and output doesn't seem correct;

module pwm_c(clk,value,PWM_out,counter);
input clk;
input [3:0] value;
output PWM_out;
reg PWM_out;

output reg [3:0]counter;

//parameter rst=1;

always@(posedge clk)
            counter <= 4'd0;
            counter <= counter + 4'd1;

always@(counter or value)
        if(value == 4'd0)
            PWM_out = 1'b0;
        else if(value == 4'd1)
            PWM_out = (counter >=4'd1) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd2)
            PWM_out = (counter >=4'd2) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd3)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd3) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd4)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd4) ? 1'b0:1'b1;

        else if(value == 4'd5)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd5) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd6)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd6) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd7)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd7) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd8)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd8) ? 1'b0:1'b1;

        else if(value == 4'd9)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd9) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd10)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd10) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd11)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd11) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd12)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd12) ? 1'b0:1'b1;

        else if(value == 4'd13)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd13) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd14)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd14) ? 1'b0:1'b1;
        else if(value == 4'd15)
            PWM_out = (counter >= 4'd15) ? 1'b0:1'b1;

            PWM_out = 1'b0;


Although I've asked a friend who knew a little more about Verilog than me, He said, I have to divide the input value by 16,per value is equal to 16 clocks of input clock. I don't quite understand how to implement this... I don't understand how to divide value input,'cause in my thoughts that's 4 manual switches or wires.. How do you divide something that's controlled manually?

Please anyone help me...Thanks...

edit; adding all and each suggestions,still not the result I expect.the third picture is by far I tried to get as close as I wanted,but if you look at the value,It still doesn't divided by 16 and PWM_out starts to have output from value=3 not value=1...

edit2; So I asked my friend once more,and it suggested that value has to 16 times of clk,which means I have to make value changes after full 16 pulses of clk,but I just haven't have the faintest idea to implement this.

maybe I wasn't cleared enough...down below is what I transit in my brain of above's suggestion..

value has to be full 16 cycles of clk before change,and then PWM_out to output...like,value=0,PWM_out=0 and value changes after 16 pulses of clk, value=1,PWM_out=1,value changes after 16 pulses of clk...so on and so on... each time it change the PWM_out is wider and wider like, value =0,PWM_out=0, changes after 16 pulses of clk,value=1,PWM_out=1(equal to almost one pulse of clk) , value=2,PWM_out=2(equal to one pulse of clk)...so on.

the PWM_out should be close to the third picture,but should be from tighter to wider and the value has to match the full 16 cycles of clk.

edit3: Okay,so I think maybe I take the third picture's wave result to draw out what I described in edit2...maybe the drawn picture would much better to help to think...drawn picture in Fifth Picture.

my final goal,what I expected,watch the one that marked with red rectangular.

  • \$\begingroup\$ The very same question was posted before and then removed by the author. Now it is posted with the very same text without even a sign of any adaption or effort to follow the suggestions. IMHO the author should try to understand what was written to the first post. E.g. the reset is still static so nothing will happen. Or to put it in a more offensive way: try to show at least some effort and either try to understand and answer the comments carefully or learn to properly debug your stuff yourself (i.e. use a simulation program) . \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 28, 2019 at 7:12
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ChristianB. I did tried every suggestion,did you want me to post each time I modified code? I could,I'm not waiting the answer,I don't expect,I want to post each update,but the posting characters has limited. While I'm asking,I'm also trying... \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 8:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ChristianB.You asked,I updated.Now,would you provide me more thoughts to adjust,fix this,I'm in serious logically stuck... \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 8:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for the additional information. Especially the waveforms are helping to see that the issue is. Question: why is value changing so fast? normally it should be fixed for at least a full cycle (i.e.16 clk pulses) and only change for every new cycle. If it cannot be guaranteed that value will not change within one complete cycle one can make a locale copy very time counter is zero to make your module robust against "sudden" changes of value. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 28, 2019 at 10:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ChristianB. Your question is exactly what I wondered too,I want value to be full 16 cycles of clk before change,and then PWM_out to output...like,value=0 , PWM_out=0 and value change after 16 pulses of clk, then value=1,PWM_out=1 value change after 16 pulses of clk...so on and so on... each time it change the PWM_out` is wider and wider like, value =0,PWM_out=0, changes after 16 pulses of clk,value=1,PWM_out=1(equal to almost one pulse of clk) , value=2,PWM_out=2(equal to one pulse of clk)...so on... \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 14:06

2 Answers 2


Compiling the information you added later the following should work:

module pwm_d
    input   wire    rst,
    input   wire    clk,
    input   wire    [3:0] cmp_value,
    output  wire    PWM_out,
    //for debugging
    output  reg     [3:0] clk_counter

reg [3:0] stored_cmp_value;

assign PWM_out = clk_counter < stored_cmp_value;

always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
    if(rst) begin
        clk_counter         <= 4'd0;
        stored_cmp_value    <= 4'd0;
    end else begin
        clk_counter         <= clk_counter + 4'd1;
        stored_cmp_value    <= clk_counter != 4'd15 ? stored_cmp_value : cmp_value;


and the testbench:

module simulation();

    reg clk_x1;
    reg rst;  
    reg [7:0] counter_A;

pwm_d UUT(

initial begin                                         
    rst = 0;  
    clk_x1 = 0;
    counter_A = 0;
    #50 rst = 1;
    #200 rst = 0;

always begin
    #1 clk_x1 = ~clk_x1;
    counter_A = counter_A + clk_x1;


This way the comparsion value will only change for every new cycle. Basically the only real issue with the already tried/suggested solutions is that the compare value is changing "to fast"/ at the wrong time.

EDIT: corrected source. The module does not work for a 100% PWM (so always on) case. EDIT2: added testbench.

waveform of simulateion

  • \$\begingroup\$ I'm sorry,it's still not close enough...the wave result,this way,the value is still changing too fast... I still have't have the faintest idea to slow down the 4-bit input value... \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 14:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ Oh yeah sorry for the not correct source. I wrote it out of my head and inserted many misstakes. Updated the source and added the simulation result for comparison. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 28, 2019 at 14:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ I don't know why,but your simulation looks perfect,I used your module to simulated,and it came out two kinds of results,both are not like yours,first one rst=0 first result,second one,second result. \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 15:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ I have just updated in the main post with a fifth picture,maybe it'll be much more clear of what I'm trying to achieve. \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 15:48
  • \$\begingroup\$ the main difference is that your value changes to quickly. So you have to correct the way to generate/increment it. I actually used a 8bit wide counter (reg [7:0] counter) and which is increased by 1 for every clk pulse and value is set to counter[7:4] \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 28, 2019 at 15:55

You don't need to check each possible value of the counter. Instead you could just check it against the value input.

module pwm_c(clk,value,PWM_out,counter);
  input clk;
  input [3:0] value;
  output PWM_out;

  output reg [3:0]counter;

  parameter rst=1;

  always@(posedge clk)
              counter <= 4'd0;
              counter <= counter + 4'd1;

  assign PWM_out = (counter > value) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

  • \$\begingroup\$ First of all,thank your for your suggestion. I've thought about this as well,but this doesn't make it variable and isn't controlled by value,my goal is when value = 0 , PWM_out = 0 ,and counter count 1 round from 0~15, value = 1,PWM_out = half cycle of input clock , counter count 1 round from 0~15, value = 2,PWM_out = one cycle of input clock , counter count 1 round from 0~15...etc... So that's why I tried to compare each value of counter and input value,but sadly didn't work. \$\endgroup\$
    – CmYang
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 2:17
  • \$\begingroup\$ To the best of my knowledge it is flexible controllable by value this way. Actually one can simplify the assign with assign PWM_out = counter > value; but with rst being a parameter set to 1 I do not know how this code should ever leave the reset state. But all of those remarks were posted before already... \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 28, 2019 at 7:19

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