Lets have 2 electrons travelling with some speed relative to a static observer.
The force between those 2 electrons will be the Coulomb force and the magnetic force.
Is it forbidden from the laws of nature the magnetic force to have the same magnitude with the Coulomb force?
I tried to find a case where it is true and it came out that the charged things must travel at speed c which is impossible for every frame of reference.
Lets take 2 electrons moving at the same speed relative to a static observer.
From the frame of reference where the electrons are immobile , space is moving to the opposite direction.Due to length contraction of space , less electrons now fit the contracted space and the coulomb force is different.The difference of the coulomb force between the 2 frame of references is the magnetic force.
Now for the magnetic force to be equal to electric force the length of the space in the frame of reference where the electrons are immobile must be 0 meaning velocity c.