I have a binary counter which is the following : https://www.onsemi.com/pdf/datasheet/mc14020b-d.pdf
I want to reset this counter with a signal. I want this signal to be the narrower, ie the length of the pulse to be minimum. But I have to verify that the narrower signal is still took into account by the counter. I imagine that the the length of the pulse cannot be as small as I want. There is a mention about "Reset pulse width" into the datasheet but I do not know if it is that data that I have to consider and if there are other parameters to consider. I do not want to take any risks
-----------------------------------E D I T --------------------------------------
Here is a better binary counters : https://www.mouser.fr/datasheet/2/308/1/MC74HC4020A_D-2315492.pdf
The reset pulse width is lower as the reset recovery time compared to the MC14020B but what is strange is that the maximum input rise time is very large ? What does "Maximum input Rise and Fall times" ? Does I have to consider that my pulse needs to be superior to the reset pulse width + the reset recovery time + the rise/fall time ?
Have a nice day :)