I have an issue with my binary up-counter using a 74LS74AN D-Flip Flop
The issue is the following:
I am trying to toggle the flipflop state by sending it a 1Hz Square wave (5V Peak) to make it toggle every clock cycle (Rising Edge triggered)
This is the schematic I came up:
And this is the datasheet:
For some reason the flipFlop will not toggle when the LED is connected. I have measured at the D-Pin with the LED connected and it reads 3.3V roughly. Which is expected when the 74LS74AN Outputs at 3.5V. According to the datasheet High Level is 2V.
I already tried out another chip. I got the same issue there.
My idea is:
!Q Starts out HIGH, so when the CLK goes HIGH the FlipFlop will latch HIGH, so !Q will go LOW. On the next clock cycle the FlipFlop will latch LOW so !Q goes HIGH again.