I've searched this forum for the past few days and I didn't find any solutions or problems similar to mine.
I'm working with a ne555 in astable mode with a configuration that, theoretically, should give me a duty cycle of 50% by using 2 identical resistors. I started using 1 digital potentiometer (the mcp41010) in order to have different duty cycles, but when I used the same resistance as the normal resistor the duty cycle wasn't 50%. With the multimeter I had seen the resistance value and they where different from what the resistor and the potentiometer should have been. I've decided to use 2 normal 4,7 kohm resistors to do some tries, but when I measured them the values they assumed were strange. When I put the multimeter to a scale of 20k ohm the values are 11k for one and for the other 14k, when I use a scale of 2M ohm, one resistor measured 800k ohm and the other 1.1M ohm. When I use a scale of 200 ohm one measures 60 ohm and the other doesn't show any data, so I'm confused and I don't really know if I used the multimeter in a wrong way.
The circuit I'm using was taken by a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z7kTCSZG5E&t=3s&ab_channel=SkinnyR%26D
The only difference is that I'm using 5 V and not 9 V.