I made the sizing for a folded cascode operational amplifier, which is working well, however when I am trying to implement an instrumentation amplifier in LTspice using the blocks, it does not amplify the signal the right way. This is the schematic which I try to implement:
This is the output voltage:
I made the sizing as such: R=R1=100Kohms and R2=17700Kohms, for a gain of 51dB. So for the input I apply a sinewave with 10mV amplitude and a frequency of 34 Hz. So for the above parameters I should get an output of 3.55V, but instead I get a rectangular wave with 1.7V amplitude. Implemented schematic in LTspice.
Output and Input waveforms.
Thank you for reading and your help, I suppose I made some wrong connections in the schematic.