I'm building a simple 5 W HF CW transmitter, where the power to the final stages is controlled by a P-Channel Power MOSFET, whose gate is connected to a key.
I added a simple capacitor between the gate and ground, for two reasons:
- To debounce the key (LTspice shows this will debounce up to 1ms bounces, which should be adequate)
- To avoid key clicks on the transmitter - this requires that rise and fall time be on the order of 2ms. (See here for the standard approach.)
My circuit below achieves #1, and raises the rise and fall time to about 1ms, somewhat achieving #2. However, it injects a propagation delay of 2ms, presumably the time it takes the capacitor to cross the gate threshold. Is there any way I can decrease that propagation time, while keeping (or ideally increasing) the rise and fall time?
I've tried different values R2, R4, and C1, but nothing improved on the above. I also added an 100uF capacitor across the load R1. This may have increased the fall time, but didn't affect the rise time (presumably because the MOSFET can charge the capacitor quickly).
To clarify my question, the circuit currently behaves as follows:
- Assume key down at t = 0 ms
- Power starts to fall at t = 2 ms (2 ms propogation delay)
- Power falls for 1 ms, completing its fall at t = 3ms
What I'd like is to shorten phase #2 and lengthen phase #3. Something like:
- Assume key down at t = 0 ms
- Power starts to fall at t = 0.500 ms (500 ns propogation delay)
- Power falls for 2 ms, completing its fall at t = 2.5ms
Re debouncing: The circuit as-is can debounce a key, no matter how long it bounces for, as long as the length it stays up or down on each bounce is less than a 1ms. Is there a term for that? My understanding is that while a switch may bounce for 5ms or 10ms, the length of each bounce is several orders of magnitude less than that.