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2 answers

How to view pre-trigger data on digital scope (Owon SDS-7102)

Noob oscilloscope user here. I want to view the voltage rise on my oscilloscope when I connect a device to a 1.5VDC power source, to see how clean the connection is - i.e. how many times the voltage ...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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3 answers

Feeding higher voltage sine wave to Arduino interrupt pin

I want to use Arduino to count cycles from a bicycle generator. This generator has variable frequency (which I want to measure), but also variable voltage that is proportional to wheel speed, ...
heltonbiker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Input protection with MAX366 exhibits very slow falling edge. Why?

I'm using the following circuitry to protect my microcontroller input pin from the dangers of the bad and ugly outside world (a trigger signal coming from an unknown source). The signal comes in from ...
DerManu's user avatar
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PWM with programmable Dead Time

I need to make a circuit that generates a PWM signal for a motor. The motor has 2 inputs - P and Q. They are the inverse of each ...
jdepypere's user avatar
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2 answers

How does this synchronizing/edge detector logical diagram work?

This is the logic diagram for a MCU that allows for an external clock option via Tn. This clock can be used as the source for clocking an internal timer register. ...
sherrellbc's user avatar
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